Weaning is most certainly a topic that most parents have many questions about. You have just got settled with the routine of feeding your little one milk, and then it’s all about to change!
There is so much advice out there on weaning; online, and as well as the never ending blog posts, Instagram accounts, and special offers on weaning books, not forgetting the advice from your friends, family and Mother-in-Laws!
So you may ask; why are we adding to all the information which is already out there? NEST is proud to offer advice which is simple, down to earth and successful. We hope that some of the following top tips are useful for you and enable you to take a more relaxed approach at the upcoming developmental milestone that is coming your way (or that you have just reached)
You will get lots of different advice from everyone and I have no doubts that there will be times when you are not interested to know other people’s opinions or advice. The advice or support may come at a time you are feeling emotional or tearful. Continue to smile sweetly and remember that people are only trying to help. Having said that, its really important you do what is right for your family, therefore it is ok to filter this advice and take from it what works for you and what you feel comfortable with
People will share their opinions whether you want this or not
Role modelling at meal times with your little one is really important, you can start this even before offering them food. Pop your little one in their high chair whilst you’re eating, give them a couple of spoons to play with, and allow them to observe you and play, whilst being a part of your meal time.
Baby Led vs Purees? How are you feeling about these options? Do you know which method you would prefer to go with? Are you feeling anxious around weaning your little one?
Choking is something that always comes up, in every conversation regarding weaning, and this is ok! It is a hugely anxiety provoking area and one which majority of parents are fearful of. You question how can a little one chew on things when they don’t have any teeth? How do I cut things up to ensure that they don’t choke..did you know, Public Health England say that babies are less likely to choke if they are feeding themselves? We recommend completing a paediatric first aid course to give yourself confidence with how to deal with a situation should it ever arise. Please try and reassure yourself that weaning and eating solid food is a very normal part of development, every adult you see walking around has gone through this process! And with regards to your little one not having any teeth, they may not have popped through yet, but the strength is still there (I bet you can feel it when they clamp down on your finger!)..meaning that your little one has the ability to learn how to chew and bite down on things.
Reaching this milestone is a very bittersweet developmental stage..exciting for so many different reasons, but I have no doubt you may also have had moments of sadness due to the fact that they are growing up and will be therefore be having less milk.
Written for Etta Loves